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Archive for September, 2012

English Pirates raid Morlaix, Brittany!

Attacking through the woods

Pirates ship moored at Coat Amour

A group of nine English pirates successfully returned to their base in Bristol after a profitable raid on Coat Amour, Morlaix, Brittany, today.

On Friday last the pirates fought their way past the Chateau du Taureau and into Coat Amour in Morlaix, mooring their ship behind the chateau.

The fighting continues

They thoroughly searched the grounds for buried treasure, using clues left by two local conspirators.

They soon found the map telling them where the treasure was buried.

Gold pieces of eight were found in some quantities, with other trinkets and precious stones, in a brass bound treasure chest.


Hmmm ~ Yep its Gold!

Pirate ship moored behind the Chateau

Flushed with their success they settled down to a hearty meal on board their ship before turning in for the night!  Aarrh!!

Hearty pirate grub!

Co-incidentally the notorious pirate captain, Henry of Bristol, was celebrating his fourth birthday on the same day.

Walking the plank