Jenny and Stafford's amazing blog site ~

Archive for April, 2011

Les Modes de Transport

Long Vehicle

Avez-vous un problème d’organiser vos photos? Êtes-vous comme moi avec plusieurs  bonnes idées au façon dont mes photos devraient être classés  mais comblé par le travail  ? Je ne suis pas plus organiser aujourd’hui qu’il y a cinq ans, et j’ai accumulé  plus de 12.500 images sur mon ordinateur!

J’ ai rencontré hier un photo qui m’a rappelé que tous les gens n’arrivent pas à Coat Amour au même façon. Voici, donc, quelques photos que j’ai trouvé.


Have you ever had a problem sorting out your photographs?  Are you like me with some good ideas about how your photographs should be categorised and filed, but overwhelmed with the sheer scale of the project and the numbers of photographs involved?  Well, I am no further forward now than five years ago, and I have accumulated in excess of 12,500 images on my computer!

Motorbikes from Bristol

2 CV 6 Charleston

I did come across a super photo yesterday that reminded me that not all people arrive at Coat Amour in the same way.  So here are a few photos as a taster of what I found.

Bretagne par Velo

A few wonderful ideas for your Holiday

Ahead of the holiday season I thought that I would set out some great ideas for readers to consider ahead of their holiday here at Coat Amour.  They are in no particular order and just a few of  the possibilities.  Perhaps in another blog I shall give you some other ideas!

Le Viaduc ~ Morlaix

I hope that you are stimulated by these and that they give you something extra to look forward to.

Fer et Flot pres du Le Dorduff

Fer et Flot ~ ~  This is a great experience for the whole family.  The format changes a little dependent upon the tides and time of year.  Essentially the programme contains a guided tour around the mediaeval town of Morlaix, a train ride to Roscoff, maybe a boat ride to the Isle de Batz, and finally a return boat trip to Morlaix.  The journey home threads through the islands in the middle of the Baie de Morlaix and passes the Chateau de Taureau.  You need to allow the whole day and take warm/waterproof clothing for the boat trip home. These trips can be booked by telephone or at the Tourist Board Information centre.

Lighthouse ~ Pointe de Penlan ~ Baie de Morlaix

La Maison a Pondalez ~ This XV century half-timbered house situated in the Grande Rue contains a feature unique to Morlaix.  The rooms at the front and back of the house are situated either side of a vast central atrium and connected by bridges at each floor level.  There is an impressive granite chimney place, a spiral staircase with wooden passageways all built around the central core. Over the 4 levels of the house there are displays of works of art and some that illustrate  daily household life in Morlaix, together with the architecture and history of the town.

Cairn de Barnenez~   Explore one of the largest Megalithic mausoleum’s in Europe, lying at the top of a steeply sloping peninsula just north of Morlaix near Plouezoch.  There is a good visitor centre and well worth the effort of going.  Cairn de Barnenez,  29252 Plouezoc’h  T 33 / (0)2 98 67 24 73  F 33 / (0)2 98 79 51 58       Latitude : 48.6676   Longitude : -3.8584

Chateau de Rosanbo ~

A marvelous chateau, not far from Coat Amour, that has been gradually developed and enlarged over six centuries or so.  The tour around the house is well done, informative and the grounds superb.

Les Enclos Paroissiaux ~

These impressive local churches are a must see, not all of them at the same I hasten to add, but choose any number (say 3-5 of them) and you cannot help but be amazed by the devotion to God and the wealth and skills invested in them.

Chateau Coastaeres a Ploumanach

Sentier des Douaniers at Ploumanach  ~ This is one of my favorite walks.  The little harbour at Ploumanach, the pink rocks and cedar trees, the seemingly impossible entry to the harbour from the sea, and the delightful houses are a joy.  I especially like to leave the car in the car park overlooking the harbour and walk around the coast towards Perros Guirec. The scenery is superb, the little lighthouse very picturesque, with a very small cove near the lifeboat station ~ just imagine launching the lifeboat in rough weather!  There is also a great little restaurant on the beach overlooking the Chateau de Costaerers in the centre of the village of Ploumanach.

Huelgoat ~ Le Chaos Take a wonderful walk through the woods at Huelgoat, and begin by passing beneath, over and under the huge granite rocks that form the Chaos.  This is the unofficial site for Huelgoat, but is also in English, simpler and easier to navigate.

Local fishing boat

Pink Granite coast near Ploumanach

A flying visit to Coat Amour

Bruce and Vanessa land at Morlaix airport

We were delighted to welcome Bruce and Vanessa over the weekend of 9 & 10 April.  Bruce is Jenny’s cousin and lives near Abingdon, just south of Oxford.  The journey time was less than 2 hours and they chose a perfect weekend weather wise.  They had a great flight passing over Southampton, Guernsey, Jersey, Treguier, Lannion and Morlaix.

The rear elevation of Coat Amour from the air

Jenny and I were treated to a wonderful flight around Morlaix on Sunday morning in slightly misty conditions.  Coat Amour looks fantastic from the air, well sited in the middle of the park, and even the vegetable garden looked tidy!

The viaduct that crosses over the centre of Morlaix looked even more impressive from the air, dominating the town as it does.  We could see various chateaux nestling in the woods either side of the estuary and the Cafe du Port at Le Dorduff, where we eventually had a super lunch on the terrace.  We often go here as it is reasonably priced, the food is always good and the staff very friendly.

The fruit and vegetable garden at Coat Amour

Bruce and Vanessa share their aeroplane amongst a group of four like minded associates and are becoming bolder in their choice of destination.  Apparently a tour of Ireland is on the cards.

The grand railway viaduct above Morlaix

The “flying weekend” was a wonderful diversion from the norm and Stafford has mentioned that he would not mind having a go!  How he will find the time to do the garden, help Jenny, help run the business, go sailing and learn to fly is yet to be discovered.  We need to retire first!

The first blog for today 13 Avril 2011

Tous nos client aiment bien la confiture de Jenny.  Pendant l’été elle crée la confiture avec les fruits de jardin.  Peut être  voulez vous essayer cette recette.

Le whisky utilisé dans la Millionaire’s marrow jam confiture fait de celle-ci une confiture plutôt chère à réaliser d’où le nom de confiture des millionnaires.

Cette confiture servie au petit déjeuner peut aussi être un accompagnement avec des glaces ou des meringues. Elle doit être marron foncé et ferme .


Pour environ 3 kg, à préparer la veille

2 kg de courges

2 kg de sucre

40 g de gingembre finement râpé

Le zeste et le jus de 2 citrons

25g de bigarreaux sucrés

Quelques morceaux d’ananas (en


1 cuillère a café de poivre de Cayenne

100 ml de whisky

La recette

Eplucher la courge, enlever les pépins et la couper en petits morceaux Mettre les morceaux dans un saladier et saupoudrer avec la moitié de sucre.  Laisser reposer toute la nuit

Le lendemain, écraser le gingembre et le placer dans un sachet en tissu.  Fermer celui-ci

Transférer les morceaux de courge dans une bassine à confiture Ajouter le sachet de gingembre, le jus de citron, le zeste de citron, les bigarreaux, le poivre de Cayenne, le whisky et le reste de sucre . Chauffer à feu doux, mélanger jusqu’à ce que le sucre soit totalement dissous, attendre jusqu’à son épaississement.

Enlever le sachet de gingembre.

Verser dans les pots stérilisés, couvrir et étiqueter